Kunsthal Charlottenborg / Copenhagen 1996

Sound: Marco Spallanzani
‘Relativism’ was custom made to fit the exhibition’s theme, ‘Art Meets Science & Spirituality’.
Below six slate stones swinging above a lead-covered floor, speakers emitted different digitalized sound sequences – one for Art, one for Science and one for Spiritualit
Symbolically I got Art, Science and Spirituality to meet and integrate into a higher unity.
* B.v.H.H.S.’s room installation ‘Relativism’, to me, is the real highlight of the Charlottenborg exhibition. Its exact, almost clinical presence is open both to the laboratory and to infinity. Illustrating no particular scientific axiom, the work harnesses gravity, light and acoustics in a charged whole, stressing, as the title implies, both fixed relations and constant change.
- SydSvenskan / Newspaper / Pontus Kyander -
* B.v.H.H.S. belongs to the avant-garde. At Charlottenborg, like very few artists before him, he impressively demonstrates how to fill up a space, and one of the biggest galleries, no less. His floor-to-ceiling installation ‘Relativism’ exudes calm and equilibrium, like an industrial temple urging you to meditate on life. The execution is quite simple in steel and lead with sound by Marzo Spallanzani. The Danish Arts Foundation should acquire the piece and permanently install it at the Niels Bohr Institute.
- Extra Bladet / Newspaper / Alex Steen -
* B.v.H.H.S.’s large ‘Relativism’ is among the most fascinating. Over a lead-covered floor, large, flat, nearly circular pieces of slade sway gently like pendulums from massive steel beams to the accompaniment of powerful, ‘spherical tones. The soundscape’s floor covering reflects strong light, but otherwise all is peace and quiet in this meditative mood-room.
- Det Fri Aktuelt / Newspaper / Kristine Kern -
* MEDITATIVE ENERGY. In a more spiritual mood, we notably find an immensely seductive room installation by the Danish artist B.v.H.H.S. Ambient tones stream out below six monumentally suspended stones discreetly swinging over an at once repulsing and inviting lead-covered floor, setting the scene for an engrossing and meditative experience.
- Jyllands Posten / Newspaper / Malene La Cour Rasmussen -