Kunsthallen Brandts / Odense / Denmark 1993

Sound: Martin Hall
An ‘Sphere of brooding physical presence, absence and transience suffuses the room.
Twelve black burned wooden sculptures, dangling like lifeless bodies from metallic umbilical cords, are suspended among sculpture fragments, resting only on their bronze points.
The ‘Sphere of physical life, ephemerality and dissolution is heightened by six burning gas flames and the music’s brooding undertones. The spherical tape loop is by Martin Hall.
* ’Fire-Installation’. Entering the Columnless Hall is a singular experience now that it is occupied by B.v.H.H.S.’s large-scale installation ‘SPHERE and ruled by fire. A mood of communion and exaltation reigns, well aided by composer Martin Hall’s ambient chords, which form a brooding backdrop for the scenery, enveloping it in a cultic tonal sphere. The music, in its lack of progression, lifts the installation out of time. The installation completely commands the Columnless Hall, which looks like it was built for the occasion.
- Information / Newspaper / Anders Troelsen -
* The room radiates mystery, consecration, sacrificial ceremony and resurrection. The large columnless hall looks handsomer than ever. The creation strikes numerous chords, from East and West. The spears, the martial choreography, a tense balance, have elements in common with Japanese martial-arts techniques, which double as exercises in inner calm. The multiple effect of death, sacrifice and resurrection has cultish overtones closely related to alchemy’s symbols.
- Politiken / Newspaper / Hellen Lassen -